In order to crush the struggle of farmers and agricultural laborers of Gobindpura against forcible acquisition of their lands and houses by the Govt for the benefit of a private power company, the Akali-BJP Govt of Parkash Singh Badal resorted to unprecedented repression. More than 2000 policemen including mounted policemen were deployed in and around the village. All roads & passages leading to it were sealed.
The police resorted to indiscriminate lathi-charge, brick-batting, and throwing water mixed with chilli-powder from water canons, on the people. Women & little girls were beaten-up with cane-shields, houses were broken, farmer leaders were dragged out and mercilessly beaten up till they became unconscious. All this was done in a well planned conspiracy hatched in a meeting presided over by the DIG & other police officers at Mansa. Trolley loads of brick bats were collected by the police in advance and parked at strategic points.
The police charged on the people from three sides. On the one side, there were brick-bats, on the other chilli powder mixed water-cannon, and on the third side there was lathi wielding mounted police and the policemen wielding cane-shields. Here we are giving some photographs depicting the police repression.
Despite this, the people have not abandoned the struggle. Steeled in repression, they are more determined to continue the struggle, till victory.

Police charging at the protestors, while chili mixed water is being thrown at the protestors with water cannon.
A man being assaulted by the police while his mother struggles with the mounted policeman
An old man in the clutches of police

A women protestor being beaten up with cane-shield
A women protestor being beaten up with cane-shield